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Beauty Secrets
We believe that a healthy person is essentially beautiful, in a state of physical, mental and spiritual well-being which is manifested through lovely skin - skin free from blemishes, spots, pimples, and rashes. The countenance or expression is the result of an inner peace, which is possible when one is at peace with oneself, God and their fellow human being. The positive mental attitude, which overcomes or accepts difficulties in faith and hope, is another important ingredient for this inner peace.
We, at Eden Herbs, strive to enhance your health and beauty, by using completely natural products in agreement with your body and mind.
Traditional Medicine of the Islands Project
The Answers
The treatment of toxicity involves first of all attempting to determine the cause,which can then be addressed. Most of us suffer from a low-grade sluggishness of the liver, whose cleansing role has increased over the centuries as risk of exposure to toxins has increased. Our livers are now over taxed and need help.

Eden Cream
Eden Herbs offers a variety of eleven creams, at this time. These creams offer relief from a variety of health challenges including but not limited to acne problems, circulation problems, hair and scalp problems and skin repair and rejuvenation. These creams enhance the inner beauty by addressing problems associated with the skin, complexion and physical features
Eden Herbs creams are a manifestation of love and attitude to life, which are important characteristics of beauty.

Eden Tea
Eden Herbs produces a variety of herbal teas. One of the important herbs is Cerasee (Momordica charntia), Sarsparilla (Smilax guianesis) and Tumeric (Curcuma longa) which also work synergistically with Serasee.
These teas aid in the metabolic process in the liver, thereby contributing to the detoxification process. These herbs are extensively studied and Tumeric, for example, breaks down carcinogens, (which are substances that cause cancer) and other toxins. Tumeric also protects the liver from toxic damage through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Eden Drinks
Eden Herbs presents nine different herbal drinks to address most of the health challenges faced by this generation. These drinks bring relief to skin rashes, colon, indigestion, colds, gas and other ailments.
The Herbal drinks restores you, the patient, to the maximum possible state of personal well-being. They also have something to offer all, however serious or minor the problems. These drinks alleviate a variety of conditions and have the gratitude of millions of former users.